Sunday, September 19, 2010

Friendships and Golf

Friendship and golf go together like titanium and urethane. The correct combination can take you a long way. Looking at my cell phone contacts, almost all of the people have two things in common: friendship and golf.

Two friends I miss playing golf with are Don Day and my Dad. Don’s company was a pleasure and he was always complimentary towards your good shots. Don also had the great ability to share a different story on the golf course without ever repeating himself. His tremendous sense of humor never prevented him from having the utmost focus on the shot at hand. I believe Don’s passion for the game was exceeded only by his love of people. Four hours on the golf course is time well spent with friends. Unfortunately, the only bad thing about a round of golf with friends is that it must end. My last round of golf with Don was in 2004 before he passed away.

Another “friend” I miss playing golf with is my Dad. It has been a few years since we played golf and I wish we could have golfed more. Dad enjoyed his golf with friends and would be quick to organize a game wherever, whenever and with whomever. I always respected his knowledge of the rules of the game without compromise, even if it was to his disadvantage. Although Dad may not have been a scratch player, he liked to compete. I have never seen anyone so pleased to par the last hole at the Prestwick Golf Club in Scotland to shoot 98. Why? He won the match by one shot after receiving his allotment of strokes. I also never saw my Dad get angry on a golf course. Something I am still working on today, but this has been greatly improving of late.

Friendship can also develop from healthy competition. The 1977 Open Championship comes to mind. Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson had the utmost respect for each other after their “Duel in the Sun”. A great friendship would develop, after their battles on the golf course were finished.

I may not have seen a friend for a few years, but after a few holes of golf, it is like we never missed a day of contact. Enduring friendships seem to be the norm for those who play golf together. Golf Digest has a section dedicated to “Buddies Trips” with some great stories about friends and their exploits together.

A day on the golf course should be an enjoyable experience. Golf has a unique way of bringing out the best in all of us. Just ask your friends. I am sure they have some fabulous insights into your current psyche after 18 holes of golf. Excuse me, my phone is ringing. I am certain it will be a friend calling to make a tee time.

Bill & Jim

Craig Roth and son Cody

Nick, Ryan, Brad, Scott & Gord
Baltusrol Golf Club 2009

Brad & Al
Iron Man Winners KGCC 2010

Glen & Bill

Harry and Friends in Ireland

Don & Malcom
St. Andrews Caddies

Monte & Bernie
2009 Ogopogo

Soroka Family @ St. Andrews 2007

Fifi & Preban from Denmark
Kingsbarns Scotland 2008

Phil & James
Kingsbarns Scotland 2007

Krista & Nate
Kingsbarns Scotland 2010

Bernie & Christa
2010 KGCC

Greg & Dan
2008 KGCC Club Championship Final (35th Hole)

Baltusrol Caddies

Gail @ St. Andrews 2007

Gord & Phil
Kingsbarns Scotland 2007

Nick & Gord
Chambers Bay Golf Course
University Place, Washington

Lionel & Lindsay
KGCC Club Championship Final 1st Hole
Lindsay Club Champion for 2010

Kim & Mike
Balburnie Park Golf Club
Scotland 2008

Mike & Gord
Indian Wells
Palm Springs

Sandy and Robin
Burnside Course
Carnoustie Scotland

Norm & Sherry
KGCC Club Championship 2008
Norm Champion for 2008

Billy, Patti & Jeff
Anthem Golf CLub
Arizona 2008

Mike, Sam & Billy
Murcar Links Golf Club
Aberdeen, Scotland 2010

Indian Wells 2008
Mike & Friends

Scott, Brad & Nick
1st Tee @ Baltusrol Golf Club 2009

Ally, Gord & Daffyd
1st Tee Old Course
St. Andrews, Scotland
August 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Photos from a Summer in Scotland

St. Andrews

Carnoustie 18th Tee

18th Green @ Kingsbarns in a Mist or Scottish Haar.

The 5th hole @ Anstruther Golf Course (The Rockies...and yes this is Par 3)

1st Tee Royal Aberdeen
Kingsbarns Golf Links #2 (Par 3)
Just the other side of Barry Burn @ Carnoustie's 18th
18th Tee Shot @ Ladybank Golf Course

1st and 18th Holes @ The Old Course (R&A Clubhouse, Hamilton Hall, and Swilcan Burn)
1st and 18th Holes @ The Old Course (R&A Clubhouse, Hamilton Hall, and Swilcan Burn)

The Old Course and the Town of St. Andrews

Kingsbarns Golf Links Hole #3

Peterhead Golf Club (Craigewan Golf Links Hole #7)

Murcar Links (Hole #16, Par 3)

Cruden Bay (Hole # 6, Par 5)

Moon Rise over the Old Course (Full Moon on August 24th, 2010)

Hole #2 @ Kingsbarns Golf Links

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Going Too Far?

When was the last time you heard golfers comment that their tee shots were going too far? In professional golf the ball does go too far and courses are always made longer. The US Open continually has par fours over 500 yards. At the Open Championship the toughest par four in the world, the Road Hole #17th at St. Andrews, was moved back 40 yards to a new tee. The reason: the pros are hitting the ball farther than they did five years ago when the Open was last played at the Old Course. At the USPGA Championship the final hole played over 500 yards and was a par four. What’s next? 300 yard par threes? Sorry, already done at the 2007 US Open.

The best players in the world do not require any more length off the tee. Golf courses are stretched to their limit. A classic example of this point is the Pines Course at The International in Bolton, Massachusetts, that measures an incredible 8,325 yards. As a result of improved golf ball technology, the PGA Tour will soon be playing courses at this yardage. A simple solution to the ever growing distance phenomenon would be to have the pros use a different golf ball with length limiting properties.

However, golf ball companies have continued to invest millions of dollars in research and design to facilitate the distance craze. Amateur golfers also want to play the same golf balls as their favourite pros on television.
Golf companies employ scientists who could work for NASA developing golf balls that fly farther and curve less than ever before. “Space ball” technology combined with titanium clubs produces drives that travel over 300 yards for the professionals. If any of your golf partners says, “I hit the ball 300 yards”, call me, and I will take that bet every day of the week.

Almost every new golf course designed now must have a set of tees that stretch beyond 7000 yards. Why? The cost of construction could be lessened by not having to build these “Tiger” tees and thus possibly reducing the price of golf and saving the male ego. Why not build a golf course that is 6200 yards from the “tips” and has a par of 70? Save money on the amount of land, construction costs and maintenance by not building these “Frankenstein” monster golf courses. Golf courses should not be catering to the small minority of golfers who can actually play from 7000 yards.

Even with the extra distance there is one thing that scientists can’t make happen more often: holing more putts. Not yet, anyways.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Heart of the Game

After a summer of golf in Scotland I now have a better understanding of why I play this great game. One of the rounds that helped changed my view of golf took place on August 19th at the Peterhead Golf Club on the Craigewan Golf Links. A chance meeting with golf professional Harry Dougal and the round of golf that followed will be remembered for a long time. I would receive a golf lesson from Mr. Dougal that was more about life, rather than swinging a golf club.

Harry became a golf professional after a long career as a very good amateur player in Scotland. His reason for turning to golf after his profession working in the “Oil Game” (as Harry referred to it) was because of circumstances that happen in life beyond anyone’s control. Harry lost his wife in a car accident. He shared this with me on the first hole during our day on the links.

After a few minutes in Harry’s company, I knew this was going to be a memorable day of golf with a true gentleman. We played through a group of members on the fourth hole and you were certain they respected their affable golf pro. Harry’s easy going demeanor makes you feel comfortable in his presence.

Our conversation during the round of golf covered topics from the oil business in the North of Scotland to winters in Guatemala. Guatemala sounds like a far more interesting place when said with a Scottish brogue.
Harry loves the game of golf, but more importantly he understands why we should play golf. Golf is about enjoying the day: the company of friends, camaraderie, laughter, and the development of friendships.

I was reminded of something that day that I already knew, but must have stuffed to the back of my golfing brain. Golf is not about your score! Golf is about the enjoyment of the game and the people you play golf with. Often golfers are caught up in their own game and forget to enjoy the day. I plead guilty to this statement and vow to work on changing my ways. Don’t get me wrong, I still want to return a good score, but this will not be in the forefront of my thoughts as I try to “Enjoy the Game”

Not once during the 18 holes did Harry make mention of score or even comment about it. He was complimentary to a shot well played for sure, but score was not mentioned.

I am grateful for the 18 holes of golf that I played with Harry Dougal. He reminded me of an important part of golf that I had somewhat forgotten. I look forward to returning to Peterhead Golf Club in the North East corner of Scotland. See you next summer Harry.

Peterhead Golf Club can best be described as a working man’s golf club. People from all walks of life gather to enjoy the “Healthful Exercise of the Golf”. The club certainly had a great ambience and welcoming air to it, even on a quiet Wednesday afternoon from the few members I did meet.

The politics at member clubs in Scotland is virtually nonexistent. After playing at 17 different golf clubs this summer it is apparent that all golfers are treated as equals. Some golf clubs do not allow you to sign up as a foursome on Saturdays, but rather you enter as a single and are paired with other members. This allows all members to be involved and prevents fractured groups and cliques within a club.

I feel more at home in the “Home of Golf” than anywhere else. Golfers like Harry Dougal are part of the reason I am sure.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Know the Rules and Play Faster

This Golf Column will appear Monday August 23rd in the Kelowna Daily Courier.

Know the Rules & Play Faster.

Knowledge about the rules of golf could have saved Dustin Johnson over $1,000,000 and a lifetime of what “ifs”. I am certain Johnson would never intentionally try to break any rule. Johnson demonstrated tremendous class during and after the ordeal. What happened on the 72nd hole of last week’s USPGA Championship was heartbreaking. Dustin Johnson had a lapse in concentration and grounded his club in a bunker. The penalty would cost him two strokes and the possibility of winning his first major championship.

The players had been informed about the “Local Rules” regarding the 1000 plus bunkers at Whistling Straights. All week the players took care before playing shots from any type of sand. The unfortunate part about Johnson’s debacle was that the gallery was standing in the bunker. The area appeared to be worn and trampled ground outside the gallery ropes. Johnson and his caddie must have been caught up in the moment of playing the final hole of a major. They both failed to recognize the golf ball was actually in a bunker.

Golf has a total of thirty-four rules. Read the rulebook at least once and be certain to read the local rules when playing a tournament or a casual game.

On pages 18 & 19 in the Rules of Golf published by the RCGA (Golf Canada) is a section on “Pace of Play” that all golfers should read because daylight is slipping away sooner every day.

Monday August 23rd the sun will set at 8:00 p.m. and with less time for golf the pace of play becomes an issue. You do not want to be completing the final holes of your career round in darkness do you? Here are some tips that will assist in speeding up the game and provide more enjoyment for everyone.

#1 Play ready golf. Regardless of who has the honour hit when it is safe instead of waiting for others.

#2 Record scores on the next tee.

#3 First person to hole out picks up the flagstick. Be ready to replace it when the final putt is holed. Don’t just exit the green and leave the flagstick for the last player.

#4 Leave your golf bag on the side of the green nearest the next tee.

#5 Keep your practice swings to a minimum. One or two are enough for anyone on any full shot.

#6 Watch your golf ball until it has finished rolling, especially after a bad shot.

#7 Play from the correct set of tees. Leave your “ego” at home; you don’t need to see the whole golf course.

#9 Spend as little time needed at the beverage cart as possible.

#10 When on the putting green, read the break of your putt while others are putting. Taking care not to disrupt them.

#11 In between shots walk briskly; start planning your next shot as you approach your ball.

Most golfers don’t realize when they are out of position. Here is a simple way to determine if you need to get your group moving. When arriving on the tee of a par 4 and the group in front has left the putting surface you are out of position. When arriving on the tee of a par five and the group in front has removed the flagstick you are behind. When arriving on a par 3 and the group in front has left the next tee, you best get cracking.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Major Meltdown & Golf’s Global Warming

Another year of major championship golf is complete and Tiger Woods is no closer to Jack Nicklaus’ record of 18 professional major titles. Tiger last won a major in June of 2008 when he defeated Rocco Mediate in an 18 hole playoff at the U.S. Open.
Jack’s once impregnable record looked certain to be eclipsed by Woods. Tiger’s assault on reaching 19 majors has been halted quicker than his vehicle was stopped by a fire hydrant on an early morning drive last November. Will Tiger ever return to his once dominant position “Best Golfer of the Universe”? Or has Tiger been given a dose of Swedish “Kryptonite”?
Tiger has twice gone 10 major tournaments in succession without a victory. The interesting part is what happened after that dry spell. Tiger would win 5 of 6 majors from the USPGA in 1999 through the 2001 Masters. After the second dry spell Tiger would win 4 of 8 majors from the 2005 Masters through the 2006 USPGA.
Where’s Lefty? Where did Phil Mickelson go after his win at Augusta? Yes Phil was third at the U.S Open, but his performance during the Open Championship and the USPGA was not up to his usual standard. Tied for 48th at The Open Championship and 12th place at the USPGA is not nearly good enough for a player seemingly destined to become #1 in the world.
Another strange happening this week was the tirade by Sergio Garcia. Sergio lost the plot in one of the 1000 plus bunkers at Whistling Straights. Sergio took more swings at the bunker than a five year old child trying to knock down a piñata blindfolded. Tim Finchem can punish Sergio by having him rake all 1000 bunkers by hand before returning to the PGA Tour. See you at Augusta amigo.
All negative this week you are saying? Time to change direction.
Things are heating up on the “World” stage of golf. Major winners from all corners of the globe have created an interesting time to be a golf fan. Many nations now have someone to cheer for at every tournament.
Golf’s presence on the world sporting stage will be enhanced with golf’s inclusion the 2016 Olympic Games. Northern Ireland, South Africa, Germany, Argentina and South Korea all have a major champion within their borders during the past two years.
The list of countries with high finishes at the Masters, U.S. Open, The Open Championship and the USPGA is impressive. USA, England, South Korea, Northern Ireland, France, Columbia, South Africa, Germany, Sweden, Australia and China all had players crack to the top ten.
A recent look at the world rankings furthers this point. Fourteen different countries are represented in the top 40 in the world rankings as of August 8th. Golf truly has become a global game.
Gord McGarva has been playing golf for over 31 years and could not believe what happened at the conclusion of the USPGA this past Sunday. More about that next week.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Is Golf Too Easy ?

Ian MacCallister was recently found in his basement wearing a straight jacket after hearing about another round of 59 being recorded on the PGA Tour. Actor John Cleese, made several commercials for Titleist involving a Scottish character that claimed, “Golf was not meant to be easy!”

For Stuart Appleby and Paul Goydos golf is quite simple. Both PGA Tour players entered the “59” club this summer on the PGA Tour.

Appleby shot a final round 59 at the Greenbrier Classic to win the tournament by one shot over Jeff Overton. Woody Austin’s final round 63 was virtually unnoticed, as was Boo Weekly’s 63 in round two. (Is this the PGA Tour or the cast from “Two Story 3”?) Another very low score on track for 59 was a 61 by D.A Points. A bogey 6 on the par 5 seventeenth derailed that attempt.

Paul Goydos mowed down the TPC Deere Run Golf Course during the first round of the John Deere Classic with a 12-birdie performance resulting in a 59. His best quote was; “Hey I shot my height”. Goydos is 5’9” and may best be remembered for his candour during interviews when he almost won the The Players Championship before losing to Sergio Garcia in a playoff.

In between Appleby and Goydos shooting 59 there was Carl Pettersson carding a ten under par 60 in the Canadian Open. The only one not at par or better that week in Canada was the “Loonie”. Just five players in the field that completed all four rounds failed to shoot under par at St. George’s Golf & Country Club. The PGA Tour professionals are not missing their square grooves.

The PGA Tour professionals can strive for the magic 59, but what does that leave the rest of us?

What is your 59? For some it may be breaking a certain score barrier during a regular round of golf. Lowering your career best while playing a competitive round could be your 59. Now the hard part - just how do we break those barriers?

One of the best golf instruction books written in recent years is, “Every Shot Must Have a Purpose”, by Lynn Marriott, Pia Nilsson and Ron Sirak. Marriot and Neilson have also created “Vision 54”. Their belief is that the perfect round of golf would be a score of 18 under par (54 on a par 72 golf course); a birdie on all 18 holes.

It is not the attainment of such a lofty goal but rather the process. You must take every shot individually and not be concerned about anything else. Here is a quote from their website that may explain better their philosophy: “The origin of VISION54 emanates from a core belief in possibilities, and by embracing the notion that every individual has unlimited and unique potential.”

Easy to say, but very difficult to execute. Golfers get in their own way by adding up the score as they go. Try your utmost to forget about the score and focus on the execution of the shot being played. How exactly is that done? If I knew the answer, I would bottle it and sell the formula.

The vast majority of golf lessons are given on the practice tee. Do you want a sure fire way to expand your golf knowledge? Take a playing lesson from a certified CPGA professional. It will be worth the time and money.

At last report MacCallister has returned to Scotland and is now sheep farming in the Outer Hebrides, giving up his quest to make golf more difficult.

Gord McGarva has been playing golf for over 31 years and his current potential is an eight under par score of 64.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh Canada, No Respect

Oh Canada, No Respect

The Canadian Open has one thing in common with Rodney Dangerfield, no respect. The PGA Tour has pushed the Canadian Open around in regards to scheduling. Currently the Canadian Open is the week following the Open Championship. This is not the easiest commute for the contestants and many of the top ranked players also take the week off after a major championship.

Tim Finchem if you are listening why not elevate the status of the Canadian Open as a World Golf event or better yet, part of the Fed Ex Cup, or heaven forbid a major. The last one is doubtful, but hey why not.

The Canadian Open was first contested in 1904 at the Royal Montreal Golf Club. The Canadian Open has a great history and the champion’s names on the trophy reflect this. Arnold Palmer’s first PGA Tour victory in 1955 was the Canadian Open. Palmer scored 265 (23 under par) at the Weston Golf Club, and we all know what happened to Arnold’s career after that.

The list of past winners of the Canadian Open is a virtual who’s who in professional golf. How about this for a list of “Hall of Fame” winners: Arnold Palmer, Lee Trevino, Sam Sneed, Byron Nelson, Tommy Armour, Greg Norman, Nick Price, Tiger Woods, Jim Furyk and Vijay Singh just to name a few. The only name missing from the trophy is Jack Nicklaus. Nicklaus has finished 2nd seven times.

Golf Canada (formally referred to as the Royal Canadian Golf Association) has been able to pry the Canadian Open away from the blasé golf course that hosted the tournament 25 times. I refer to the Glen Abbey Golf Club that was a staple of the event from 1981 through 1996. In the last ten years the Canadian Open has visited some excellent golf courses; Royal Montreal, Angus Glen, Hamilton and Shaughnessy. This year the St. Georges Golf & Country Club is hosting and the PGA Tour players will be impressed.

The position of the Canadian Open on the PGA Tour schedule should be two weeks away from the US Open in early June. This would increase the amount of international golfers competing. Depending where the US Open is played the Canadian Open could be played in the same time zone to alleviate travel. The golf course conditioning and set up could be similar to the US Open, possibly attracting the more of the top ranked players. Canada deserves a high profile golf tournament; a prelude to the US Open would provide that.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Friday @ the Sr British Open

It would only be two rounds for Davy Gilchrist at the Sr British Open, but it would be a memorable two days. A second round of 78 would see Gilchrist miss the cut. The experience of playing with the world's best professional golfers on the over 50 tour will be a lifetime memory for Gilchrist.

Friday began with a breakfast in the player's lounge across for Tom Watson. The two seemed to be crossing paths often at Carnoustie. There was a terrific photograph of Gilchrist and Watson on the practice tee Wednesday that appeared in The Herald newspaper on Thursday morning. On Thursday both would occupy the 4th and 14th double green at the same time. Watson and Gilchrist were far too busy to exchange pleasantries.

A fantastic finish on the closing three holes would keep Gilchrist in the seventies. On the par 3 16th a sand save from a green side bunker gave Gilchrist a well deserved par. Another up down at the 17th produced a par at the difficult hole named "Island". The 18th would see the sand wedge in use again at a green side bunker. A 10 foot putt for par found its way to the bottom of the hole receiving a good Scottish cheer from those at the 18th green. This capped off a great week for Gilchrist.

Family and friends certainly enjoyed the two days. Davy's good friend George Tullis was seen proudly strolling the fairways with a Cleveland golf bag on his shoulder and the name of "Gilchrist" on the back of his caddy bib.

Davy's card for both days can been seen at

Friday, July 23, 2010

Round One @ The British Senior's Open Championship

Davy Gilchrist, playing in his first pro tournament in the 50+ division, could not have picked a bigger event to make his debut. The British Sr. Open is a major tournament on the Sr. Circuit and is being contested over one of the most difficult links courses in the world; Carnoustie.

Gilchrist was off to a good start with a par at the 1st and a respectable bogey at the long par four second, after finding a pot bunker off the tee. The best drive of the day for Gilchrist was at the Par 5 sixth where he took his tee shot between the fairway bunkers and the O.B. fence. This area is known as Hogan's Alley. In the 1953 Open Championship Hogan drove between the bunkers and the O.B. all four rounds.

A dropped shot at the seventh and the ninth resulted in an outward nine of 39. A great par save at the tenth would make for a good start on the inward half. Unfortunately the 15th hole would be the site of Gilchrist's unravelling. A triple bogey 7 was a crushing blow and left Gilchrist with only the final difficult finishing three holes to recover.

A wonderful par at the Par 3 16th rejuvenated the Kingsbarns Caddie Master and sent him to the 17th with a bounce in his step. Gilchrist would bogey the final two holes for a 9 over par 80. After the leaving the scoring tent you would have thought Gilchrist had scored level par or better, as the smile that was on his face all day remained. I don't think you could have wiped that smile off with a wire brush.

I had the pleasure of following Davy on Thursday and was proud of his play, which certainly did not reflect his score. An early birdie or two may have resulted in a much better outcome. Considering the lack of golf Davy plays it is quite an accomplishment just to qualify for the event. I believe that day two will see a return to form for the amateur from Glenrothes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Gilchrist Qualifies for Senior British Open @ Carnoustie

Davy Gilchrist of Ladybank Golf Club qualified Monday for the British Senior Open Championship at Carnoustie. Gilchrist scored a three over par 73 at Panmure Golf Club on Monday July 19th. Gilchrist also survived a 9 man playoff for 7 spots. Gilchrist pared the first extra hole and then went through with a birdie four at the par 5 second hole.

Gilchrist will join the likes of Tom Watson, Sandy Lyle, Tom Lehman, Nick Faldo and defending champion Lorne Roberts.

The Kingsbarns Caddie Master was quite pleased with his performance and looks forward to competing in his first major championship. It should be an experience of a lifetime for the amiable Scotsman.

Gilchrist tees off Thursday Jul 22nd at 11:50 with Pete Oakley and Martin Gray.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Day at the Open

The final day at The Open Championship is something all golf fans should attend. For £60 (or roughly $97) you get a full day of golf. Tee times begin at 7:25 am, and the final putt is holed just after 6:30 pm.
I certainly received my money’s worth during my travels around the Old Course on Sunday. I witnessed first hand many of the world’s top professional golfers on the most storied golf course. The only disappointment was the tournament was decided so early in the day.
My best purchase once inside the gates was that of a souvenir radio equipped with headphones. Golf on the radio can be quite interesting when you are on site. The radio broadcast also assisted with keeping up to date on happenings around the golf course. The best part–no commercials.
Louis Oosthuizen’s performance was simply outstanding. Oosthuizen (WUHST’-hy-zen) will be referred to as “The Champion Golfer of the Year”. Louis is well deserving of his title. A seven shot victory in golf’s oldest major is testimony to his world-class status. This was the 139th playing of the Open Championship and the 150th Anniversary of the tournament, which began in 1860 at Prestwick on the west coast of Scotland.
The shot of the day was at the ninth hole, appropriately named “End”, where Louis made an eagle two on the 352-yard par 4. Oosthuizen now had a 4 shot lead he would not relinquish. I was in the grandstand at the 11th green and with the use of my trusty laser yardage device / binoculars, saw Louis hole the putt for an eagle.
There were quite a few eagles on par fours Sunday. I wonder if the contestants had a “Deuce Pot” going; not likely, as professionals don’t play for that small change. For Oosthuizen’s effort this week he received a cheque for over $1,300,000. However, money cannot buy your name onto the Claret Jug or secure your place in golfing history. Winning at the Home of Golf – St. Andrews - will though.
Unflappable golf and an Oosthui”ZEN” like concentration was the key for the South African, whose actual name is Lodewicus Theodorus Oosthuizen. Louis also wished fellow South African Nelson Mandela a Happy 93rd Birthday during his very classy acceptance speech at the closing ceremonies.
The only part of the Open I did understand was why an army of blue clad course marshals halted the charge of the gallery up the 18th. The crowd was held back nearly 175 yards from the 18th green. I remember fondly my first Open Championship at Royal Troon in1989 and the charge of the gallery as the first ever four-hole playoff concluded. I somehow managed to slither my way near the front of the crowd for a great view of the final hole.
The “Auld Grey Toon” will now return to some form of normalcy as the thousands of visitors head homeward. I quite like this, as now I will be able to have an evening walk around the hallowed links. The sweetest walk of the week was Louis Oosthuizen’s stroll up the 18th fairway on Sunday with a seven-stroke lead.
Gord McGarva has attended The Open Championship five times.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Planning a Pilgrimage

With the Open Championship at St. Andrews this year it may inspire you for a journey to Scotland for the first time, or perhaps a return visit.
I have made a few trips across the pond to the “Home of Golf”. Are you passionate about golf? Yes, then you must make a trip to Scotland at least once in your life. Here are a few suggestions that may assist in your planning and enjoyment of a trip to Scotland.
I was reminded the other day of a quote about traveling: “Bring half as many clothes and twice the money”. One part of this is far easier than the other.
Packing the suit case may seems endless: shirts, trousers, socks, sweaters, rain gear, hats, gloves, and a vast supply of golf balls just to mention a few items. Reduce your luggage weight total by taking fewer items. You may purchase some shirts, hats and other souvenirs while traveling. A good rain suit is required (hopefully never to be used); if you currently don’t have one then that would be an excellent item to purchase while in Scotland.
How many golf balls do I bring? This depends on two things: how many rounds will you play, and how often you lose golf balls? Chances are you will find as many golf balls as you lose while looking for your own orb in gorse, heather, “whins”, or the varied vegetation found so close to the fairways and greens. A good rule is 3 golf balls per round. Run out of golf balls and you can always borrow from your golf partners that have brought 6 dozen for a ten day excursion.
Take a caddie or not take a caddie? If you can afford a caddie then you would be crazy not to. Insight to playing a golf course you have never played is invaluable. It will make for a far more enjoyable round of golf and will cut down on the lost golf balls for sure. Another option is to have a fore caddie for the group. One caddie will give you the line of play, yardage, breaks on the greens, and any other pertinent information required.
Don’t focus on your score as links golf can be punishing to a score card. Stableford points are always a good option or best ball games.
More golf courses are offering all day tickets. You can play two rounds for a set price. You best be physically ready for 36 holes of walking before taking on that challenge. A day ticket is money well spent though and the second time around you will have a far better idea of the golf course.
Do not bring more than fourteen clubs. We all have that golf club in our bag that we rarely hit at our home course; leave it at home. Clean out your golf bag of any other items not needed. You may have a caddy but you still have to lug the golf bag in the airport and from the hotel room.
Finally, don’t try to see all the country on one visit. You will just burn yourself out. Pick a region and explore that area. My first choice would be the Kingdom of Fife and the Kingsbarns Golf Links.

Gord McGarva has been playing golf for over 30 years and has traveled to Scotland on ten different occasions. For any individual questions, Gord may be contacted at his blog

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sagebrush – If You Build It They Will Come!

Over the past few years I have been fortunate to have played some of the top golf courses in the world: The Old Course at St. Andrews and New Course, Royal St. Georges, Carnoustie, Kingsbarns, Bandon Dunes, Pacific Dunes and Baltusrol. I can now add one more to that list: Sagebrush Golf & Sporting Club, located in the Nicola Valley right here in the B.C. Interior only a 90 minute drive from Kelowna.
The short journey to play links-style golf is well worth the time. Golfers who are truly passionate about the game MUST play Sagebrush. Speaking of passion, Dick Zokol (Chairman and CEO) and Terry Donald (President and COO) have it oozing out of them for Sagebrush. The design team of Zokol, Rod Whitman and Armen Suny have created links golf in a truly amazing setting over-looking the picturesque Nicola Lake and surrounding area.
The concept first started to blossom in August of 2002, and by September of 2002 Dick and Terry had walked the property. Golf courses are not developed overnight; it was in July of 2005 when the routing of holes was completed. On July 15th, 2006 the ground-breaking began, but not much dirt was moved, as the design philosophy was one of “minimalist”. Here is a definition right from the Sagebrush website: “Minimalism being a school of golf design, which put simplistically, attempts to move as little earth as possible and relying on the natural features of the land while designing golf courses.” Old Tom Morris would be proud of what has been created at Sagebrush.
It took a few holes for me to remember the nuances of links golf. After that it was pure joy watching a golf ball bounce and then roll, finally coming to rest 15 to 20 seconds after it had been struck. Golf was meant to be played along the ground as well as in the air. At Sagebrush you can do this and you must, if you want to be rewarded in your shot making.
Links golf is an acquired taste, and for me it took about 30 seconds. The first links course I ever set foot on was Royal St. Georges in the little town of Sandwich in Kent, England. I was hooked after that round and have been a fan of links golf ever since. Spend a day at Sagebrush and you will be too.
I have had the pleasure of traversing over the Kingsbarns Golf Links, in Scotland, as a caddy during the summer months since 2006. I believe that Sagebrush has a very similar feel as Kingsbarns with the ever present wind and spectacular views of water. Combine that with hard running ground and you have a great links golf course.
Will Sagebrush climb up the ladder in ranking of golf courses? That remains yet to be determined. I don’t think the success of Sagebrush for its “Posse” will be based on world wide acclaim. Sagebrush is a place where friends can gather and play golf in a relaxed setting. One of the best things about the course is that on the 13th hole you can stop; have a meal, do some fishing, and basically relax for as long as you want. It is called “The Hideout”. On our day of golf we passed it twice and should have stayed longer. Next time for sure! The food is outstanding and fish are always biting. I could write an entire column about “The Hideout”.
I could be cheeky and profess that my favourite stretch of holes are one through eighteen. Rather than that, the 10th through 14th are my pick. The terrain changes as you move upwards to a wooded area from the sage swept hillside. Hole #12 feels like you have left the property and ended up where someone has built a one hole golf course. The 12th can be best described as a “Fussy Wee Hole” (I borrowed that from the Kingsbarns yardage book commentary). It played 112 yards from the blue tee box and was anything but simple. Hole #14 is a par 5 that allows for some risk reward, and after a fine meal at “The Hideout” you are so relaxed, why not go for it. Patience and three well played shots may be the method to a birdie, but we each choose our own path. I did not put these choices in numerical order because at Sagebrush you don’t have to play the holes in order. Just be courteous not to intrude on another game and play the holes how you like. The 10th hole is a down-hill par three that will test your club selection, ball striking and course management. Once you get to the green it really picks up. A smallish green by Sagebrush standards requires your full concentration for holing out. Chip shots, pitches, and bunker play are not for the faint of heart either. #13 is a driveable par 4, possibly. Downhill and with yardage of 285 from the blue tee box, it provides a warm up for your risk reward strategy.
Red Tail Golf Course north of Toronto near St. Thomas provided further inspiration for Zokol’s dream of a similar course in B.C., Red Tail West if you will. The original plans at Sagebrush may have been altered slightly but have in no way changed what will be an exceptional golfing experience for years to come.

For more information on group or corporate packages please contact Jason Monteleone in Kelowna at 250.860.3134 or by email at For more information about membership follow the “links” on the Sagebrush website.

Gord McGarva has been playing golf for over 30 years and believes “Links golf is how the game was meant to be played”.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gord’s List for Golf in Kelowna

Summer is upon us and now begins the task of deciding where to play golf. Kelowna has a wide variety of golf courses to choose from for all types of golfers and budgets. This article may be handy for your reference or when out of town guests arrive.
One of the newest courses in town is the Black Mountain Golf Club. Green fees range from $69 to a special rate of $59, that includes a cart and $5 food voucher. Black Mountain has a peaceful setting yet provides a great challenge for all levels of golfers. Black Mountain was a Finalist for "Best New Course In Canada" in the Score Golf magazine publication in 2010.
Another fairly new course that opened in 2008 is The Club at Tower Ranch. Tower Ranch was named one of the top 3 best new Canadian courses of 2009 by Golf Digest. I have yet to play Tower Ranch, but I eagerly await my first game and an exceptional golfing experience. Green fees are from $110 to $65 and this includes a cart. No extra charge for the exceptional views of Kelowna.
Sunset Ranch Golf and Country Club is one of my favourites, perhaps that is because last time I checked there is a scorecard on the wall with my name on it. Sunset Ranch provides tree-lined fairways on almost every hole and Scotty Creek meanders through the golf course reeking havoc with your mind, golf ball and score. The key to a good score at Sunset Ranch is finding the fairways and leaving your golf ball below the hole. Green fees range from $79 to $59.
The Harvest Golf Club opened in 1994 in East Kelowna just minutes from downtown. The Harvest is a very walk able golf course with a stunning and constant view of Lake Okanagan. The course is very playable and was an orchard before Graham Cooke designed the par 72 layout. The practice facility has a driving range, putting green and short game area. All are within close proximity to the first tee for you to warm up or sharpen your game before you play. Rates are from $75 to 4115 and include a cart and range balls.
Gallagher’s Canyon Golf and Country Club opened in 1980 and is the second oldest golf course in Kelowna. Gallagher’s has stood the test of time and continues to be a great test of golf. Tree lined fairways and canyon views make for great place to play golf, but don’t let the scenery distract you too much from your game, as Gallagher’s requires your full attention. Green fees are from $115 and $59. Gallagher’s has hosted provincials and national tournaments; even Arnold Palmer played an exhibition here in 1981.
The Okanagan Golf Club is the only 36-hole facility in Kelowna with the Bear and the Quail courses sitting side by side. For the hard-core golfers playing 36 holes in one day does not require any driving in between rounds. Both courses will challenge all aspects of your game; yet the Bear and Quail are varied in their design. Nicklaus Designs was responsible for the Bear course and the closing three holes are a true challenge.
Over to the Westside we go and just off Highway 97 is Two Eagles Golf Course and Academy. Don’t let the Par 65 5000 yard layout fool you into thinking that it will a be pushover, you will need every club in your bag. Two Eagles is a good test of golf for even the scratch player yet enjoyable for golfers of all levels. Green fees are from $45 to $37. A great practice facility is also on site.
Staying on the Westside, Shannon Lake Golf Club is the first of three “Golf Kelowna” courses. Shannon Lake borders, yes you guessed it Shannon Lake. The lake is defiantly in play on the difficult par 17th hole. The course has a wide variety of holes with lengths from a 550-yard uphill par five to a 115-yard par 3. Green fess range from $63 to $36. Be sure to check out the “Addicted Golfer” package on the Golf Kelowna website.
Kelowna Springs just off Highway 97 has been a popular stop for local residents and tourists since it first opened in 1990. Golf Digest ranks Kelowna Springs, as one of the 'Best Places to Play' in their 2008-2009 edition and the rates are $68 to $32 per round. A very walk able course that must be played with care through tree lined fairways and five well positioned lakes.
Shadow Ridge Golf Club is within close proximity of the Kelowna Airport and may be the first stop for those flying in for a golf vacation. Shadow Ridge is a tree-lined course that will test your skills. Shadow Ridge is walk able but watch out for Mill Creek it lies in wait. Shadow Ridge’s 18th hole gives you one last chance for golf’s toughest score – a hole in one. The par three 18th measures 195-yards and three is always a good score, but you never know.
Be sure to check out my blog for links to all the golf courses mentioned here. Green fee prices are subject to change, but I have done my best to make sure they are current. Have a great summer of golf.
Next weeks column…. Sage Brush Golf and Sporting Club. One word – WOW
Gord McGarva’s columns can be found at